Victory Productions is a Denver-based non-profit offering programs ministering to three problematic areas of life in American society today:
- A growing number of displaced men on the streets
- Limited educational opportunities for low-income children
- Rising rates of kidney disease and lack of organ donations
Our team seeks to produce effective solutions to these complex challenges by serving those impacted. Victory Productions also raises public awareness to these societal issues and inspires more citizens to get involved in lessening the impact of displaced men, kids without viable educational opportunities and America’s growing kidney crisis.

A Stronger Cord works to build relationships with displaced men, earn their trust, and walk beside them on their life’s journey. Our volunteer “Comeback Coaches” create positive and supportive networks to guide these men on the comeback trail toward resources available to help them construct a stronger cord to their families, purpose, and communities. We all win when that happens.

Irv Brown Scholars provides scholarships, mentoring, and networking opportunities to low income students studying the business side of sports at Metropolitan State University (MSU) of Denver. It is named in honor of Irv Brown, a Colorado sports legend, media personality, coach, and basketball official.

More than 93,000 Americans languish on kidney transplant wait lists. However, there are only approximately 27,000 transplants annually. Drive for Five inspires Americans to “Share Their Spare,” advocates for better policies encouraging more live organ donations and educates people about the high-risk factors of kidney disease.