Victory Productions was born in 2004 when mentors encouraged Mark to share his life story of overcoming adversity and obstacles. He has become a popular motivational speaker and author. Over time, Victory has grown to include other inspiring men and women. We all share the same mission: Encouraging others to achieve goals and overcome challenges.
Victory believes success in all aspects of life, while never guaranteed, rises with the level of morale with the group. It might be a community, business, athletic team, non profit member, government agency, faith-based organization or family. Whatever the endeavor, success is boosted when leadership and morale are optimum.
Victory provides clients with an array of tools trying to help with morale. We understand and respect the challenges of creating and maintaining a healthy culture. We provide the following: a Daily Dose of encouragement delivered to mobile devices; Via email, a weekly Pep TalkTalk newsletter; Inspiring live Pep Talk presentations from Mark or other Victory associates; Books and products all designed to ENCOURAGE you, and your team, to achieve goals and overcome challenges.
Here’s what others have to say about Mark’s Pep Talk presentations to their groups:
For more info: mark@seekvictory. |